Characters as Function-
- The Hero- who is the character who seeks something.
- The Villain- who opposes or block's the hero's quest.
- The Donor- who provides an object which has some magic property.
- The Dispatcher- who sends the hero on his way by providing a message.
- The False Hero- who disrupts the hero's hope of reward by pressing false claims.
- The Helper- who aids the hero.
- The Princess- who acts as reward for the hero and as object of the villain's scheming.
- Her Father- who acts to reward the hero for his efforts
- Preparation- A community, Kingdom, family; an ordered state of being
- Complication- A state of disorder
- Transference
- Struggle
- Return
- Recognition
Tzvetan Todorov's theory is as follows:
- A state of EQUILIBRIUM (all is in order)
- A disruption of the ordered state by an event
- A recognition that a disruption has taken place
- An attempt to repair the damage of the disruption
- A return to some kind of Equilibrium
Branigan's Categories of Information:
- Introduction of setting and characters
- Explanation of a state of affairs (Expedition)
- Initiating event (Hook)
- Emotional response or statement of a goal by the protagonist
- Complicating actions (Plot)
- Outcome
- Reactions to the outcome ('Happy endings', Equilibrium or Someone dies)
I agree with Propp and Todorov's views on narrative as they clearly list the theories behind narrative whereas I do agree with some of Branigan's points his views are from a psychoanalysis view.
not enough to earn marks yet - extend and show understanding by adding examples and clips of films that meet each theoretical concept... they could be from the short films we analysed or from elsewhere - blockbusters - perhaps one theory suits short films more than another theory? try to get this done for the 21st oct