'About a Girl' is a short film directed Brian Percival. It revolves around a young girl who aspires to be a singer who lives on a council estate. The film concentrates on her narrative as she explains her life.
The genre type is a docu-drama as it is not about a real person but acts as a drama as the main character reveals to the audience. The storytelling code is the girl as the narrator. The representations are as following:
Dad- he is represented as being a "chav" as he is revealed as being unemployed and wears a full tracksuit and smokes. He also comes across as a dead beat Dad as he doesn't seem bothered with his children.
Mum- she is represented as being a stereotypical single mother as she looks as though as she is struggling raising the children on her own. She doesn't appear too intelligent as she confused dental floss for worms and comes across panicky.
The girl- she is represented also as a chav due to her speech in a heavy slang filled vocabulary. She also seems fragile due to the circumstances she is in, she wants to be a singer so this could show she has a softer side also. The character is aggressive and masculine "tomboy" but is confident and assertive as shown to the audience through interactions and has a more male attitude.
The likely audience for this piece is film fans particularly British educated classes. The locations used in the piece are: Council estate, house, city street, bus, cafe and a football pitch. The intertextual reference made in the piece is the Dad reading the newspaper as it refers to another media text.
'The Last on Earth' is directed by Carlo Ortu and is a post apocalyptic neo comedy about a man who believes he is the last surviving human and plans to kill himself.
The genre type is post apocalyptic, comedy-irony, Sci-fi. The story telling code is the man serving as the narrator by telling events and talking to the camera. The representations are as follows:
The man- is represented as being intelligent as he knows where to obtain the poison in which to kill himself, he is also well spoken. He looks to be in his early 30's and is educated to a degree. He isn't dramatic but is impatient as there has been a short time since he believes he is the last human and is quite unimaginative as he hasn't tried to find any other survivors. Since he has decided to kill himself so he doesn't have to age by himself shows he hasn't got alot of courage and has a negative mindset.
The pub- is represented as a stereotypical east end pub and is more suburban rather than urban.
The likely audience for this piece again would be film fans but more male orientated due to the ironic humor. The locations used in the piece are London, a street and a pub. The intertextual references made in the piece are the use of the Iphone as it relates back to technology, the brands of alcohol (this is seen more as product placement). The style of the piece has been shot in more television rather than a film.
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