George Lucas' Freiheit (1966)
Synopsis- The film follows a young protagonist who is trapped in a war torn Germany and then attempts to flee for his life by crossing the border only to meet death.
The boy- The boy is seen running for his life through a wilderness this is because he is sick of his restrictive society and wants to be free, but as his society is so broken down he is chased and even gunned down. His clothing looks to be that of a school uniform in the second world war and tells the audience he is being educated but since he is fleeing this could show he is intelligent as the topics being taught do not appeal to him as he finds them outrageous. His uniform and structure make him appear to be between the age of 15-17 as it looks as he is nearing the end of his secondary school education. He seems courageous as he runs away from his society and doesn't look back although he pauses to think of his situation he would rather die free than being restricted.
Location- The location is a forest that edges on the border of the boy's country, I would say the country is Germany as the soldier who guns down the boy wears a similar uniform of that in the second world war. I feel the wilderness contrasts that of the story as it's shown to be a sight to behold but is restricted completely by the rules of the society.
Sound- The sounds used in the piece is all entirely ambient non-diegetic sound with the opening shots the amplified sounds of birds chirping can be heard this contrasts the freedom of the animals to that of the population that are restricted by the rules in society. Thumping drums can be heard when the boy is running this is to signify his heart beat as he knows he is so close to being free but is gunned down before he makes it. Played over the top of his death is a collection of spoken words about freedom this is to show the boy's final thoughts as he was running from communism and it has a lasting impact with the audience.
The Title- 'Freiheit' translated into English is the German word for freedom, this bares the theme of the film over all.
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