Sunday, 5 January 2014

Location Photos

Below are the location photos on where I plan to film my short film:

This is the outside of my Dad's house in which I will film my short film.

This is the hallway which is the first thing that will be shown in the film, it is clean with only pictures on the walls which is want I want as it shows my character is very neat and I will use one of the photographs as an exhibition of his past self.

This is the kitchen where the main character will stand and wash his  dishes, this again shows he is a neat person but I will show in his attitude since changing his lifestyle he has come to enjoy the most ordinary of task of everyday life.

This is the outside of the garage.

 These photos show the inside of the garage where the secondary character will be held prisoner, he will be centered in the middle surrounded by the things the main character belongs. At the moment my Dad keeps his bikes in the garage I will move them to the back and bring some items to make it seem the main character keeps things from his past in the garage to literally lock away his old life.

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